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New in Laurel: Timeline Filter

Avery avatar
Shared by Avery • July 28, 2023

We're excited to introduce the new 'Timeline Filter' 🎉 - a feature designed to simplify and improve your timekeeping process in Laurel.

The Timeline Filter is a reference tool that displays a list of your captured activities right next to your Timesheet. This layout allows you to cross-reference your activities with ease, ensuring that no tasks are overlooked and that your manually create entries are accurate.

The Timeline filter offers:

  • 📋 A chronological list of your captured work
  • 🕑 Activity logs with type, start time, duration, and title
  • 🔍 Filters based on activity duration

You can turn this feature on/off through your Timesheet's search bar:

Launch Laurel now to see this new feature in action!✨